The First High-Speed Quantum Resistant Decentralized Mixnet with Blockchain.

Protect metadata for dApps, chains, and businesses with advanced quantum-resistant security.

Precomputation with cMixx delivers real-time calculations hundreds of times faster than other mixnets.

Join the fully decentralized xx network with 350+ independently operated nodes across 50+ countries.

Build on the xx network

Start using the blockchain of the future – the only Layer One protocol protected against quantum computing attacks.

Be part of a community dedicated to private and secure communication for all. The xx movement is a diverse group of people from around the globe that care about protecting personal data from bad actors. Together, we can support a world where privacy is an inalienable right for everyone.

As featured in:

Introducing a revolutionary metadata shredding technology that obscures information that is typically revealed when messages are sent, payments are made, or data is transferred. cMixx uses unprecedented “precomputation” to prepare teams of nodes before a mix is actually needed. Then user data is aggregated into batches or “anonymity sets”, which are mixed and processed all at once in real time. As a result cMixx denies third parties the ability to analyze activity patterns, preventing them from connecting senders to recipients.

xx nodes perform cMixx rounds in two phases: precomputation and real-time. During the  precomputation phase, the mix nodes use quantum resistant cryptography to establish shared values to circumvent the need for real-time public key operations. Thus the precomputation phase is where most of the computing takes place.

Next, in the real-time phase, mix nodes receive messages, activate the encryption and decryption work prepared during precomputation, perform mixing and pass the message on to the next mix node.

As a result of the precomputation phase, the real-time phase of the system is very fast.  There is very little latency, two to three seconds at most, in cMixx’s ultimate processing of messages, transactions and data.

The xx coin is your way of participating in the xx network. It’s used to  incentivize the operation of a cMixx/blockchain node, to back those who do through an incentivized system called Nominated Proof Of Stake (NPOS), to vote and govern the network and to exchange value. The xx coin gives uncensorable access to the most private decentralized communications network in the world. 

A share of the fees paid into the network in xx coins plus an inflationary reward of newly minted xx coins are used to reward the xx nodes which are essential to the security and core operations of the xx network. Running a full node requires expertise, time, and money to acquire and maintain the requisite computing hardware, bandwidth allocation, and minimum bond amount.

xx coins are also used to financially commit node runners and node-nominators, ensuring that xx nodes will act honestly and according to the network’s rules. If a node behaves maliciously, part or all of the bonded xx coins may be forfeited as a penalty.


Anyone who has seen a police procedural or spy dramas knows the scenario: a suspect is tracked down not by the content of their messages, but by their phone activity and contacts. The information about who they called or communicated with, when they did it, and how often—that’s all metadata. What many people don’t realize is that this type of data is often much easier to access and analyze than the content of the communication itself.

Nodes Worldwide: 367

Want to start developing your dApp on the xx network?

Develop your dApp on the xx network. Get in touch to learn more about the xx network blockchain and our technology.