Economic Adjustments

conomic Adjustments

The network is in an intermediary period: post MainNet launch, but pre-trading. This period is nearly over, but it has exposed oversights in the design of the MainNet Transition program. Our goal is to quickly (i.e., in the next 48 hours) push out initial fixes that remediate the bulk of the issues and, within the next month or so, push complete fixes as the network transitions to its next phase.

In summary, we will immediately implement a flat 18% commission for all MainNet Transition Program nodes and a multiplier cap of 205,000 xx coins. We are working now to allow nodes to include stake on their own node as well as nominations on other nodes when calculating the team multiplier they receive. This ensures that they are able to spread their stake across many nodes and avoid getting penalized for other coin holders staking on their node.

As can be seen from this graph, the resulting economic changes make for a more fair and equitable distribution of returns. Ensuring that across the board, all node operators are well incentivized to continue operating far into the future

To learn more about the upcoming changes, including a full breakdown of our analyses and timelines, please read our full report:

We encourage all community members, especially the node operators, to review this proposal and submit feedback on Discord and our Forum. Please keep discussions in the forum post as much as is possible to ensure the conversation is tractable to the entire community.
