MainNet Wallet Commitment Applet Instructions


Download the correct file for your operating system. You can use the provided SHA256 checksums to verify the integrity of your download.




  1. Download the zip file for macOS above. The same file will work on both M1 and Intel Macs.
  2. Double click the zip file. The app will extract to the same location.
  3. Right-click on the app and select “Open”.
  4. A warning will appear saying the app cannot be verified. Click the “Open” button to continue.


  1. Download the zip file for Windows above.
  2. Open up the file location of the download, which is most likely in your downloads folder.
  3. Extract the files in the zip file and launch nw.exe.


  1. Download the zip file for Linux.
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file.
    $ unzip
  3. Enter the extracted directory.
    $ cd nwjs-*
  4. Run the nw executable.
    $ ./nw

Using the Form

To fill out this form, you need the credentials for your node (key, public certificate, and IDF). Per previous instructions, the team expects node operators to have these in a secure location. To find these, refer to Finding Betanet Node Credentials on the wiki. If you do not have them already, download them to the machine from which you are running the app.

  1. First, select your Node’s public certificate. It will be a .crt or .cert file.
  2. Select your Node’s private key. It will be a .key file.
  3. Select your Node’s identity file (IDF). It will be a .json file.
  4. Enter your nomination wallet, which should have the majority of your BetaNet rewards and can be used to nominate any node. This wallet will count towards your team multiplier.
  5. Enter your validator wallet, which should contain a smaller number of coins and is the wallet that your node will be directly running on. This wallet will count towards your team multiplier.
  6. Review the contract and press the checkmark to accept the conditions. Note that you can view the entire contract on a separate page or print it for your records.
  7. Press the “Submit” button and wait for the confirmation message. This may take a few moments.

If you do not have your BetaNet Keys, the team cannot help you.